10 Facts About Ionization Radiation

Do you know that there are facts about ionization radiation which you may not know? We are exposed to radiation either naturally or artificially even without being aware. Radiation is classified into two, viz; ionization and non-ionization reaction.
Here is a sneak peek into what ionization radiation is. Ionizing radiation is radiation that travels as a particle or electromagnetic wave, that carries sufficient energy to detach electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby ionizing an atom or a molecule.
This radiation is divided into various types which are particle ionization radiations __ Alpha particles, beta particles neutron, and electromagnetic ionization radiations which include: gamma rays, and x-rays.
The undisputed facts about ionization radiation that should be known by all and sundry.
These are some interesting facts about t ionization radiation you should know. They will guide your thoughts towards understanding the right way to make yourself secured from excess exposure to ionization radiation.
- Radiation cannot be discerned by human senses. This means that it is difficult for a man to detect this radiation unless with the use of machines.
- Ionization Radiation can be useful. They have military, agricultural and medical uses. For instance, X-rays are used to detect broken bones or use nuclear medicine for scanning of the heart
- Ionization Radiation could pose a serious risk if one is exposed to it over a prolonged time. The probability of a harmful consequence (cancer) is related directly to how much and where radiation interacts with the body.
- Due to its harmful nature, limits are placed annually on the quantity of radiation dose for radiation workers.
- The amount of dose gotten depends on the time of exposure. The less time spent in a radiation area, the lower the total dose of ionization radiation.
- Excess exposure to ionization radiation can cause gene mutation, tissue damages, and skin burn. The more you expose yourself to radiation, the more you will be likely infected.
- The exposure rate can be reduced by one quarter if you double the distance from a radiation source.
- Exposure to ionization radiation can occur from a different source like natural sources and man-made sources. Natural sources include cosmic radiation, terrestrial radiation, and internal radiation while man-made radiation includes; Nuclear power plant, medical use of x-ray for treatment.
How do you get exposed to ionization radiation?
Exposure can be acquired in different ways:
Internal exposure; You are prone to radiation when a radionuclide is inhaled, ingested, or comes in contact with the bloodstream through injection and injuries. Internal exposure can be stoped when radionuclide is removed from the body through excretion or treatment.
External Exposure: As long as airborne radioactive materials such as dust, aerosols, or liquid are deposited on our clothes and skin, we remain exposed to radiation. It can be eliminated by simply washing our clothes and bathing the body.
Some effects may occur as a result of ionization radiation. For any of the tissues or organs to get damaged, it is dependent on the quantity of radiation received. The type of radiation and the organ’s sensitivity is also another reason why damage will occur in the body due to exposure to radiation.
Can ionization radiation cause cancer? there is a suspicion that radiation is a major cause of cancer. Some studies have been carried out, but a valid conclusion is yet to be made. Visit review of life span on ionization radiation for more guides.