Cordless Phones vs EMF Radiation

Landline phones have existed for centuries until people started replacing with cordless phones that transmit high levels of radiation. Out of the homes that still have a landline, many have opted to use cordless phones. They are convenient and inexpensive, making them a popular choice. And while it’s becoming more and more common knowledge that cell phones emit radiation, you don’t hear much about cordless phones. today, cordless phones emit a great deal of EMF radiation.
There should be a concern about how technology is changing from a landline fixed phone to cordless phones which use DECT said to be prone to EMF radiation.
Cordless phones work at an approximated range of 50Mhz to 90Mhz frequency which enables you to enjoy clearer, more natural sounding voices with DECT 6.0 technology. The DECT 6.0 won’t conflict with other electronics in your homes, such as microwave ovens, baby monitors or Wi-Fi networks. This lets us enjoy uninterrupted conversations without any interference but we should still be mindful of the dangers sounding these devices. Most cordless phones will use ~900Mhz, ~1.7GHz, 1.9GHz, 2.4GHz and also 5.8GHz for the new once.
Read on to learn more about Cordless Phone Radiation.
Cordless phones and EMF
The headset of a cordless phone is constantly transmitting information to and from the base station. Whenever you receive a call or even talk on the phone, all of that has to go through the base station first. This communication between the base station and receiver is what causes the greatest amount of EMF radiation from your cordless phone. And when the phone is in use, those radio frequencies are being transmitted close to your head, potentially directly through your brain.
Health Risks Exposure
There are many risks of exposure to EMF radiation from cordless phones. Glioma, the most common form of brain cancer, has been linked to EMF radiation by several studies. One Swedish study, for example, found that long-term cell phone use was linked to an increased risk of developing Glioma or other brain cancers. While that study dealt with cell phones, cordless phones emit similarly high levels of EMF and are also held close to the head while in use.
In addition to the increased risk of brain cancer, cordless phones add to your home’s overall EMF level. When the EMF level is high, those who are sensitive may begin to experience seemingly random symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, nausea, itchiness, and depression. Prolonged exposure to high levels has potential ties to leukemia in adults and children. And high levels of exposure may also cause motility and potency issues in sperm, leading to fertility problems for couples who are trying to conceive.
Better Tips for reducing exposure from cordless phones
Your best bet is to ditch the cordless phone in favor of one with a cord. If that is not realistic or feasible, there are a few things you can do to help protect yourself from EMF radiation.
Having a T-shirt that helps limit emf transmission, a Cap that blocks emf coming from the cell phone towers, also we have emf blanket while sleeping you can be protect from dirty electricity. The use of emf fabric at home will actually reduce the amount of emf exposure to the body.
The most common thing you can do is unplug your phone when it’s not in use. This is problematic for receiving incoming calls, so you may want to only try this at night. However, any time spent with the base station unplugged will cut down on your home’s overall EMF exposure.
Another thing to try is getting a wired headset that you can connect to the phone. This still allows for portability, and it also creates some distance between your head and the phone. Just remember to get a wired headset, not Bluetooth. A Bluetooth headset gives off EMF radiation of its own.
Best Alternatives
The market today has a couple of cordless phones that allow you to reduce the amount of EMF radiation emitted in your home. Gigaset cordless phones are at the range of 2.4 – 2.5 GHz, for example, produce minimal amounts of EMF radiation when in standby mode. You’re still exposed while you’re on the phone, but the use of a wired headset would help cut down on that.
The EMF radiation emitted by cordless phones is something worth being aware of. Corded phones are much safer bet If you simply must have a cordless phone at home or office help minimize your exposure.